Today we'd like to introduce you to our new podcast host, Matthew Lowe.
In this podcast the sister of the murdered Nicole Brown Simpson comes on to discuss her life and how she builds her mental resilience. We also talk about O.J. Simpson, their kids as well as her new book.
Connect with Tanya:
From Tanya's Website:
Get real with Tanya: Moving past the adversity in your life.Tanya Brown is no stranger to adversity or trauma. Faced with near overwhelming life challenges, Tanya used obstacles in her path to ultimately improve the quality of her life. She takes her life experience to audiences nationwide as a compelling motivational speaker, and she brings that experience to bear on her coaching practice. Her story makes it clear that you can overcome any adversity with the willingness to ask for help. Tanya’s Story of Loss, Grief, Depression . . . and VictoryThe death of her sister Nicole Brown Simpson, which was sensationalized in the 1994 media frenzy featuring Nicole’s husband O.J. Simpson, unleashed a flood of issues for Tanya. Prior to Nicole’s murder, Tanya had lost several other loved ones, and emotional trauma was setting in. She engaged in dysfunctional eating patterns, and she busied herself with academic work as diversions from the mounting depression. Finally, in 2004, she suffered a breakdown that actually saved her life. She worked for three months to get back on her feet with tools for managing her emotional well-being. Today, she is a celebrity author, a voice against domestic violence, and a motivational speaker and Life Coach who helps others bounce back from adversity. Read Tanya’s Books to Cultivate Coping SkillsTanya has written two books to help readers overcome difficult, traumatic situations. In her revealing and thought-provoking memoir, Finding Peace Amid the Chaos: My Escape from Depression and Suicide, she shares her journey of self-discovery and shows how even the most severely traumatizing life experiences can carry lessons that teach new ways of being. In her second book with Carolyn Inman, Tanya writes about The Seven Characters of Abuse: Domestic Violence, Where It Starts and Where It Can End to help people identify domestic violence. In this break-through book, she includes her own personal stories and diary entries from her late sister, Nicole. These life-changing books are a great way to get started on your journey with Tanya. “Finding Peace Amid the Chaos provides the reader with heart-felt stories and solutions for dealing with major life challenges and daily challenges. When you apply the lessons and strategies woven throughout the chapters, you will experience more peace of mind and calmness when life throws a curve ball." -Dr. John Spencer Ellis, Executive Producer, TheCompass, Founder, Wexford University Seven year old Lucy comes on the Conquer Worry Podcast to share her 'Life Lessons.' These lessons work if you are 7 or 77 years old! Lucy's Original ListMeet The Hosts of Psych Central's New Podcast with Gabe Howard & Vincent M. Wales (Podcast)10/23/2016
There is a new podcast launching this fall from Psych Central. Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales come on The Conquer Worry Podcast to tell listeners about this exciting new resource from Psych Central.
From the Psych Central Website: Psych Central is the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network. Since 1995, our award-winning website has been run by mental health professionals offering reliable, trusted information and over 250 support groups to consumers.
Mental Health Activist Craig Lewis comes on the Conquer Worry Podcast to tell his story of Mental Health Recovery after his 30 year battle.
About Craig
Craig Lewis is an Expert by Experience, a Psychiatric Survivor, the author of Better Days- A Mental Health Recovery Workbook, a life long punk rocker, a fearless activist, a workshop trainer and international speaker. Craig has survived a lifetime of struggle and has chosen to not allow his suffering to be wasted. Craig shares of his experiences, knowledge and lessons learned, in hopes of supporting others in living happier, healthier and more satisfying lives. This is an ongoing journey and Craig, like all of us, is a work in progress. Website:
Have you ever felt like a fraud? Do you treat yourself poorly? This is the episode for you!
In this podcast Lara Heacock comes on to discuss The Impostor Syndrome and The Self Kindness Revolution. ![]()
ABOUT LARA (From Her Website)
Hi! I’m Lara Heacock, and I believe, so strongly, in being kind to yourself. My Kind Over Matter story began after decades of trying to check all the “right” boxes… I got the degree (in Psychology) and then an MBA. I got a house and a husband, and I poured my heart and soul into a very successful 11 year career as a professional recruiter and leader. I was the strong one holding everyone else up, determined to maintain the image that I had everything perfectly under control, and could do it all! I was the good one, the reliable one, the one who had it all together, but I wasn’t happy. There was nothing left for me. Eventually, I was exhausted. I couldn’t fall asleep at night and had no energy during the day. I felt disconnected, misunderstood and angry…a lot…especially at my husband. Even though I’d cultivated this ‘perfect’ image, I still struggled with how I felt when I looked in the mirror, but I thought it was weak to share any of this. After all, I was the strong one! What would people think? I was not good at asking for help, and kept hoping that staying busy and having nice stuff would make me feel better. When I realized that I could no longer get out of bed on time to get to work, and that I was procrastinating everything because I felt insecure & anxious, I knew something had to change. My emotional balloon was about to burst! I started being kind to & taking care of myself, and everything changed. I was happier, felt balanced and got “me” back! My marriage improved and my stress level went WAY down. I even found the courage to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming an Executive Life Coach. It was the start of a journey that changed my life. I will never forget sitting in my first day of coaching training and admitting that I was afraid everything was fake and there was nothing underneath. Guess what?
You can’t do it alone either, and you don’t have to. When I learned to love and take care of myself, everything changed. I found my inner light. I built a foundation of self-kindness and acceptance, and am now better equipped to handle what life throws at me. Through my training, I was able to re-claim my self-worth, self-respect and creativity. If I can change, so can you! Since then, I’ve spent hundreds of hours helping others:
Life is short, and you deserve to enjoy yours fully! Let me show you how. Click HERE to read about working with Lara
Dan Lukasik returns to the podcast to discuss SUPPORT GROUPS. He has become a national thought leader and advocate of supports groups having lead one himself for the past 10 years.
![]() NAMI Support Group Information: Link ![]() Dan is the creator of He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Compeer, Inc., a Buffalo organization that matches mentors with people who struggles with mental illness. Dan has also been featured on CNN, WSJ and NYT. Follow Dan Twitter: @DanLukasik Facebook: @LawyersWithDepression ![]()
From Dan's Website:
Dan is a mediator living with bipolar disorder and the founder of MH Mediate. He has spent the past decade working to improve how people communicate about mental health. Dan has been a support group facilitator with the Mood Disorder Support Group of NYC, a speaker with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and a Mental Health First Aid training instructor with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. He studied mediation at the NY Peace Institute, where he sat on the Mediator Advisory Board and mediated criminal court, youth-involved, school, and community cases. A sought-after speaker and trainer in mental health communication and conflict resolution, Dan has presented workshops at many conferences and led MH Mediate trainings in over a dozen states. He holds a masters degree in Mental Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a bachelors degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Dan has delivered programs for the Department of Interior, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the University of Notre Dame, the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Association for Conflict Resolution, the Association for Professional and Family Mediators, Cardozo School of Law, and many other organizations. He is excited to see conflict resolution become a bigger part of mental health across the United States.
Two of the top advocates in the mental health community come on the podcast to discuss the current state of advocacy, the glamorization of mental illness and gun rights/control for those who struggle. Andy Behrman and Gabe Howard are fully engaged and in their usual high-energy style.
Surviving Survival is really difficult.
Sometimes, surviving is actually worse and harder to overcome than when the actual events happened. Kelley, The Survivor Coach, knows this all too well. She has survived many things. She has lost children, molested as a child, has lost both of her parents, breast cancer, divorce after many years of marriage and an almost successful suicide attempt. Her mission in this life is to help others not only survive but THRIVE in their survival. She has created her own tools to help those who can relate to these things and those who suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts. This is her story.
Build Your Action Based Stress Reduction System
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